YES victory on equalization empowers Alberta’s fight for fairness

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2021/10/19

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the federal and provincial governments to begin discussing the equalization program after early results show Albertans clearly voting in favour of removing the policy from the Constitution.

“Alberta voters delivered a clear message: they’re willing to contribute to Canada, but they won’t be taken advantage of anymore,” said Kevin Lacey, Alberta Director with the CTF. “Alberta politicians of all political stripes have complained to Ottawa demanding action, yet the unfairness continues. Now, Albertans have taken this issue from the premier’s table to kitchen tables across Canada.”

A clear majority voted yes to eliminate equalization from the constitution, according to early results from Alberta’s equalization referendum. Some of the municipalities reporting results include Medicine Hat (69%),Red Deer (69%), Lethbridge (59%) and Calgary (58%)

The CTF is calling on the federal government to immediately begin working with the provinces to address issues with the equalization status quo. 

“Albertans sent a clear message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that they demand fairness on equalization,” said Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director with the CTF. “Trudeau should be picking up the phone to call Premier Jason Kenney and other premiers across the country to talk about fixing the equalization status quo and building a stronger and more united Canada.”

The CTF participated in the referendum as a part of the registered third-party group, Fight Equalization

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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