UCP platform gets passing grade for lower taxes and balanced budgets

Author: Kris Sims 2023/05/18

LETHBRIDGE, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation welcomes the tax relief and balanced budgets in the United Conservative Party’s platform released today.

“Albertans need tax relief and balanced budgets for life to be affordable, so it’s very good to see these commitments from the UCP,” said Kris Sims, Alberta Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “The Alberta government has already passed balanced budget and debt repayment laws and it’s good to see income tax relief and a commitment to not raise taxes.”

The UCP released its costed election platform on Thursday. The platform includes a $3.4-billion surplus over four years, $1 billion of annual income tax relief and no tax hikes.

The UCP promised to expand the Taxpayer Protection Act to require a referendum before a future government can raise income or business taxes. The UCP also promised to extend the provincial fuel tax suspension.

In March, the Alberta government passed a law requiring balanced budgets, using surplus money to pay down the debt or to save in the Heritage Fund.

“The UCP’s commitments to leaving more money in Albertans’ pockets and cutting gas taxes will go a long way in easing the pain of high prices,” Sims said.


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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