Two thirds of Canadians want Members of Parliament to cut their own salaries

Author: Aaron Wudrick 2020/05/08


  • Recent opinion survey shows 66 per cent of Canadians say MPs should reduce their own pay
  • Latest projections show a $252 billion deficit meaning future reductions in government spending are inevitable


OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on members of Parliament to cut their salaries to show leadership and solidarity with all Canadians during the COVID-19 health crisis. Two thirds of Canadians in a CTF survey of the Angus Reid Forum agreed that MPs need to take pay cuts.

“Millions of Canadians have lost their jobs or taken pay cuts,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “Our federal members of Parliament need to show leadership by cutting their salaries.”

Wudrick noted that the prime minister of New Zealand and her cabinet have taken a 20 per cent pay cut for the next six months, while members of parliament in Japan and India have taken 20 and 30 per cent reductions, respectively, for the next year.

“With next year’s federal deficit already projected to be more than $250 billion, every dollar will count,” said Wudrick. “The sooner MPs show they are personally willing to make sacrifices, the easier it will be for them to make the case for necessary spending reductions elsewhere.”

A recent online survey conducted by the CTF from May 1 to May 3 with a representative sample of 1,505 Canadians who are members of the Angus Reid Forum, shows that 43 per cent of respondents “strongly agreed” and 23 per cent “agreed” with the statement:  “Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Members of Parliament should reduce their salaries.” The survey was conducted in English and French.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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