The joke is on taxpayers this April Fools’ Day

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2023/03/31

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation isn’t laughing at this year’s April Fools’ jokes from the federal government as it hikes the carbon tax and alcohol tax. Meanwhile, the government is also hiking salaries for members of Parliament.

“The joke is on taxpayers as MPs take more money out of Canadians’ pockets the same day they take higher pay,” said Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director of the CTF. 

The federal carbon tax will increase to 14 cents per litre of gasoline and 12 cents per cubic metre of natural gas on April 1. The carbon tax will cost the average family up to $710 this year even after rebates, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer

Federal alcohol taxes will also increase by two per cent, despite MPs voting through a motion calling on the “government to cancel its April 1, 2023 tax increase on beer, wine and spirits.” 

MPs will take their fourth pay raise since the beginning of the pandemic on April 1. The CTF estimates this year’s pay raise will range from an extra $5,100 for a backbench MP to an extra $10,200 for the prime minister, based on contract data published by the federal government. 

Four out of five Canadians oppose the MP pay raise, according to a Leger poll commissioned by the CTF. 

“Canadians are struggling to afford gas and groceries, so the least MPs could do is cancel this cruel April Fools’ joke by stopping their pay increase and scrapping the tax hikes,” Terrazzano said. 

You can watch the CTF’s pre-budget press conference calling on the government to cancel the tax hikes and stop the MP pay raise here

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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