Taxpayers urge Maloney and Ontario Liberal MPs to stand up against carbon tax

Author: 2024/10/22

Toronto, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Ontario Liberal caucus chair James Maloney and all Ontario Liberal MPs to stand up for taxpayers and oppose the federal carbon tax ahead of the next Liberal caucus meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 23.

“Liberal MPs from Atlantic Canada have been pushing back against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax and standing up for their constituents and it’s time for Ontario Liberal MPs to follow suit,” said CTF Ontario Director Jay Goldberg. “Maloney speaks for the Ontario Liberal caucus and he should join with his Atlantic colleagues to stand up against the Trudeau carbon tax.

“The biggest portion of the Liberal caucus comes from Ontario and it’s time for Liberal MPs from across this province to make their voices heard and stand up for taxpayers.”

A new report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer shows the carbon tax will cost the average Ontario household $399 this year, even after the rebates. That number will climb to $903 in six years.

The federal government also charges its sales taxes on top of the carbon tax. The PBO Report shows this carbon tax-on-tax will cost taxpayers $400 million this year. That’s money Canadians don’t get back in rebates.

“Ontario families are set to pay $381 in carbon taxes just to heat their homes this winter and it’s time for Maloney and Ontario’s government MPs to stand up for their constituents and call on Trudeau to scrap his carbon tax,” said Goldberg. “So far, Maloney and his Ontario colleagues have been silent on this issue and it’s time for them to stand up and be counted.”


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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