Taxpayers stuck with $116,000 bill for barely used “Energy Coach” program

Author: Gage Haubrich 2023/11/30

SASKATOON, SK: The City of Saskatoon has only delivered three “energy coaching sessions” after spending more than $116,000 on the program, according to documents obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

“The city needs to scrap this project before any more taxpayers’ dollars are flushed down the low flow toilet,” said Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director. “Clearly bureaucrats are the ones that need coaching on how to stop wasting money.”

Using federal taxpayers’ money that is doled out through the Green Municipal Fund, the City of Saskatoon launched energy coaching services in March, 2023.

Only three energy coaching sessions have actually happened, according to the documents.

The online video meetings include recommendations such as buying better insulation, installing new windows, or replacing old furnaces, information that can be found online for free, after a few seconds.

So far, the city has spent $82,000 administering the program and $34,000 advertising it.

The purchase order to the consulting company, shows the city could spend up to $350,000 on this project.

The City of Saskatoon is currently in the midst of budget negotiations that could see Saskatoon residents slapped with record-high property tax hikes.

“Instead of helping to cut our energy bills by scrapping the carbon tax, the federal government is handing out money for programs that no one is using,” said Haubrich. “An easy way for both the city and the feds to help Saskatoon residents afford their energy costs is to stop taking so much out of their pockets in taxes to pay for useless programs like this.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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