Taxpayers release Naughty and Nice List

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2020/12/23
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tops the Naughty List
  • Politicians that took pay cuts land on the Nice List

OTTAWA: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tops the Naughty List compiled by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation this year.

“Lying to Canadians and hiking the cost of heating our homes is a sure-fire way to land you on the Naughty List and the prime minister has achieved that in spectacular fashion,” said Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director of the CTF.

“Some politicians and bureaucrats did manage to land on the Nice List this year, so let’s hope Trudeau aims for that in 2021!”

After promising not to increase taxes, Trudeau is more than tripling the carbon tax to $170 per tonne by 2030 and he’s also announced a second carbon tax.

Alberta's United Conservative Party inked its spot on the Taxpayers’ Naughty List for taking the federal wage subsidy, a payment meant for struggling businesses. Ontario Premier Doug Ford made the Naughty List cut by breaking an election promise and handing out corporate welfare to Ford Motor Company.

Politicians who cut their own pay and bureaucrats who quickly slashed import taxes on masks and gloves to help fight COVID-19 made the Taxpayers’ Nice List.

“We spend all year taking politicians and bureaucrats to task for wasting taxpayers’ money and moving at a snail’s pace when they need to fix something, so it’s nice to be able to give kudos to those who voluntarily reduced their own pay and moved quickly to reduce costs,” said Franco Terrazzano, the CTF's Alberta Director. “B.C. Premier John Horgan squeaked on to the Nice List this year because he paused his scheduled hike to his provincial carbon tax, we hope he goes all the way and scraps it soon!”

The entire Naughty and Nice List can be found HERE.

         Naughty List:

  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
  • Alberta UCP
  • Ontario Premier Doug Ford
  • Politician hiking own pay
  • City halls wasting money

         Nice List:

  • B.C. Premier John Horgan
  • Finance Canada bureaucrats
  • Politicians who cut their own pay
  • Saskatchewan Finance Minister Donna Harpauer for scrapping bracket creep tax hikes

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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