Taxpayers praise Furey for opposing MHA pay increase

Author: Devin Drover 2024/09/25

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is applauding Premier Andrew Furey for opposing a nearly 26 per cent pay hike for Members of the House of Assembly.

“With many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians struggling to make ends meet, a pay hike for politicians is unacceptable,” said Devin Drover, CTF Atlantic Director. “Furey is right to speak out against this proposal.”

The House of Assembly Management Commission, made up of MHAs from all parties, approved a report this year which recommended raising MHA base salary from $95,357 to $120,000. If passed, that would make MHAs the highest-paid provincial politicians in Atlantic Canada.

The average income in Newfoundland and Labrador is approximately $48,000. The proposed salary of $120,000 would pay MHAs more than twice the average worker's income in the province.

Furey told media this week he was opposed to the MHA pay increase. The proposal will have to be approved by a vote of the House of Assembly in a future sitting.

“We urge all MHAs to follow Furey’s lead and reject this proposal,” Drover said. “MHAs should be focused on saving taxpayer money, not padding their own pockets.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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