Taxpayers need carbon tax relief on more than home heating oil

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2023/10/26

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation welcomes Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s admission that the carbon tax makes life more expensive, but continues to call for more action to make life more affordable for taxpayers.

Trudeau announced today the federal government will pause the carbon tax on home heating oil for the next three years.

“It’s good to see Trudeau finally admitting what’s been clear to Canadians for years: the carbon tax makes life more expensive,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “It’s good some people will get relief who heat their homes with heating oil, but what about the rest of us? This doesn’t help anyone else trying to stay warm this winter.”

The announcement comes after a Liberal MP from Newfoundland and Labrador, Ken McDonald, called for relief for taxpayers and voted for a motion to repeal all carbon taxes.

While this announcement will temporarily save some taxpayers money, there are still reasons for concern.

“What happens after the next election?” Terrazzano said. “This announcement will only pause the carbon tax on home heating oils for three years. Canadians have seen this song and dance before and we should be worried carbon tax hikes will be coming back with a vengeance, even on home heating oils.”

The Parliamentary Budget Officer shows the carbon tax will cost the average family up to $710 this year even after rebates.

“All Canadians need relief, not just those who use home heating oil,” Terrazzano said. “A lot more government MPs need to stand up for affordability like Ken McDonald did because taxpayers across the country are struggling.

“Trudeau must completely scrap his carbon tax.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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