OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation welcomes Liberal Party Leader Mark Carney’s income tax cut and is calling on all party leaders to commit to further tax cuts and to find savings in the budget.
“Letting Canadians keep more of their own money is a good thing and taxpayers expect all party leaders to announce significant tax relief and savings in the budget,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “A one percentage point income tax cut is a good appetizer, but Canadians are starved for major relief and need further tax cuts.”
Today, Carney announced he would cut the lowest income tax bracket by one percentage point. Carney estimates that would save a two-income family up to $825.
Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre also reaffirmed his commitment to end all carbon taxes.
“We will axe the tax for everyone, for everything, for good, forever and for real,” Poilievre said today at his campaign launch.
“It’s good to see the Liberals coming around to tax cuts, now taxpayers need to hear Carney’s plan to find savings in the bloated budget,” Terrazzano said. “After the government hiked taxes, spent like crazy and doubled the debt in less than a decade, Canadians are looking for all party leaders to provide significant tax cuts and budget savings.”
Is Canada Off Track?
Canada has problems. You see them at gas station. You see them at the grocery store. You see them on your taxes.
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