Taxpayers Federation slams $12,000 federal bureaucrat red-carpet gala

Author: 2020/01/08

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation today called on the Trudeau government to put an end to an annual red carpet gala for federal bureaucrats that in 2019 cost taxpayers over $12,000.

“While running a $26 billion deficit, what is the message being sent to Canadian taxpayers when the government is dropping $12,000 on a red-carpet gala for bureaucrats?” asked CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick.

Access to information documents obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter show that the Privy Council office spent $12,450 at the event held at the National Arts Centre in February 2019 intended to “recognize communications excellence” in government.

Correspondence between federal bureaucrats planning the event, which also featured a tuxedoed host and velvet ropes, reveal that the goal was to have a “red carpet feel to the event.” Food included Serrano ham, smoked salmon, angus beef meatballs and parmesan risotto balls, while award recipients were presented with nine-inch engraved crystals that cost taxpayers $2,700.

With the 2020 event scheduled for Feb. 18, Wudrick called on the Trudeau government to pull the plug and save taxpayers thousands of dollars.

“Instead of spending another $12,000, perhaps last years’ recipients can put their superior communication skills to work drafting an appropriate apology to taxpayers for this tone-deaf waste of money.”



For more information, contact:

Aaron Wudrick, CTF Federal Director 

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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