Taxpayers Federation criticizes introduction of new federal censorship legislation

Author: Jay Goldberg 2022/02/02

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is criticizing the federal government for once again undermining accountability with the introduction of Bill C-11.

“The Trudeau government was unable to get Bill C-10 through Parliament before the last election because Canadians recognized just how dangerous this kind of censorship is for accountability,” said CTF Ontario Director Jay Goldberg. “Instead of listening to Canadians, the government is once again trying to hand bureaucrats the power to influence what we read, watch and listen to online.”

The federal government’s new censorship legislation, Bill C-11, still allows bureaucrats to regulate user-generated content online, including on social media.

“Bill C-11 gives government bureaucrats the power to influence the content Canadians view online,” said Goldberg. “When governments interfere with free speech, there’s always a risk they’ll turn down the volume on critics and promote the messages they want Canadians to see. That was a risk in Bill C-10, and it remains a risk in Bill C-11.”

By introducing Bill C-11 so soon after parliament’s return, the government is also making it clear that it decided not to consult experts, engage with stakeholders or listen to Canadians in order to improve its flawed approach to regulating online content.

“The government had a chance to go back to the drawing board to get this right, but it clearly chose not to do so,” said Goldberg. “Opposition parties and Canadians should make their voices heard and push back against the government’s censorship agenda.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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