Taxpayers disappointed with Ford government’s throne speech and budget

Author: Jay Goldberg 2022/08/09

Toronto, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is criticizing the Ontario government’s throne speech and budget for failing to control spending or provide tax relief.

“Today’s throne speech and budget were major disappointments for taxpayers,” said CTF Ontario Director Jay Goldberg. “Rather than offering real relief for struggling families dealing with soaring living costs, the Ford government is running a massive deficit that will only fuel the inflation fire. It’s paying lip service to prudence while doing the exact opposite.”

The Ford government’s throne speech and budget mentioned previously announced relief for taxpayers, including the government’s 5.7 cent per litre gas tax cut, but made no new commitments to help lower the tax burden for struggling Ontarians.

“Grocery bills for the average family will be $1,000 higher this year,” said Goldberg. “Instead of spending billions the province can’t afford, the government should be tightening its belt while putting more money back in the pockets of hardworking taxpayers.”

The Ford government expects to run a record $19.9 billion deficit, which is higher than the budget deficit at the height of the pandemic.

“The Ford government continues to refuse to make tough choices, which is leading to tens of billions of dollars of new debt for the next generation,” said Goldberg. “The spending binge has to be put to an end.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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