OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation calls on the federal government to rein in the cost of international trips following revelations that a trip to a four-day German book fair cost $18 million.
“Is the government going out of its way to stay in the fanciest hotels, take the sweetest rides, feast on the most exquisite cuisine and spend the highest amount of money possible?” Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director, said. “This spending makes it seem like the government doesn’t care how hard Canadians work for the money we earn and the taxes we pay.”
Blocklock’s Reporter today broke the news that a four-day trip to a German book fair cost Canadian taxpayers $18 million.
“Governor General [Mary] Simon’s personal appearance cost an additional $801,418,” Blacklock’s reported.
“Simon traveled with 32 guests” and “expenses included stays at the five-star Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof Hotel and a $19,794 Frankfurt Book Fair banquet where 77 people dined.”
Recent examples of lavish spending on international trips include:
“Trudeau’s government globe trotters should ease up on the five-star hotels while Canadians are struggling to pay for ground beef and put gas in our cars,” Terrazzano said. “Enough is enough, Canadians can’t afford to pay for this government’s lavish lifestyle.”