Taxpayers call on Ford to deliver promised tax relief and reduce spending

Author: Jay Goldberg 2022/02/02

Toronto, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation presented its pre-budget submission today and called on the Ford government to lower the tax burden on hardworking Ontarians and end the province’s 15-year spending spree.

“Three governments in a row have raised spending, increased government debt and failed to lighten Ontarians’ tax burden,” said Jay Goldberg, CTF Ontario Director. “It’s time for Premier Doug Ford to show taxpayers that he really is ‘for the people.’”

The CTF is calling on the Ford government to follow through on its commitment to lower gas taxes and cut income taxes for middle-class families.

“With rising inflation and a cost-of-living crisis, Ontario taxpayers need relief,” said Goldberg. “The best place to start looking for relief is in calling on the Ford government to live up to the campaign promises it made to voters four years ago.”

Taxpayers are also calling on the Ford government to get its fiscal house in order. By returning government spending to pre-pandemic levels while still allowing for spending increases in the health sector, the Ford government could cut the deficit by over $10 billion.

“Ontario is the most indebted sub-national unit in the entire world,” said Goldberg. “The Ford government spends over $1 billion per month on paying for debt interest alone, which is more than the province spends on post-secondary education. Ontario’s debt crisis is real and it’s time for the government to act.”

The CTF is also calling on the Ford government to end political welfare, shrink bureaucrat compensation costs, reform bureaucrat pensions, reduce overhead costs and end corporate welfare.

“Ontarians hired Ford and his team to rescue the provinces finances,” said Goldberg. “With six months left until the government faces voters, it’s time to see results.”

To see the CTF’s prebudget submission, click HERE.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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