Taxpayers applaud elimination of Communications Nova Scotia

Author: Devin Drover 2025/02/12

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is applauding the Houston government’s decision to eliminate Communications Nova Scotia, calling it a step in the right direction toward reducing government waste.

“The size of Nova Scotia’s government has grown out of control, and cutting unnecessary costs is critical for taxpayers,” said Devin Drover, CTF Atlantic Director. “Eliminating Communications Nova Scotia is a positive first step in streamlining government operations and ensuring taxpayers get better value for their money.”

Recent media reports confirmed that Premier Tim Houston’s government will dissolve the CNS agency and integrate communications staff into individual government departments. This move is aimed at reducing redundancy and improving efficiency in government operations.

CNS had an estimated budget of $7 million for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Meanwhile, government spending is at record levels, with recent forecastsprojecting a deficit of more than $654 million this year.

“Nova Scotia’s budget remains a serious concern, and the Houston government must find efficiencies to achieve a balance budget,” said Drover. “While eliminating CNS represents only a small savings relative to the overall budget, we hope this signals the beginning of a broader effort by this government to rein in government waste.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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