Taxpayer Wishlist: A dozen bills for MPs to introduce in Parliament

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2021/12/09

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation released a Taxpayer Wishlist with 12 pieces of legislation members of Parliament need to introduce through private members’ or government bills. 

“Taxpayers are looking for relief and an end to government waste this holiday season,” said Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director with the CTF. “These are ideas politicians from all sides can work on. We can all agree that a governor general’s expense account should end when they leave office. And Ottawa needs to move on the call from Indigenous leaders to establish a First Nations auditor general.” 

The CTF compiled a list of policy recommendations including:

  1. End the expense account for former governors general
  2. Require transparency for corporate welfare
  3. Establish an auditor general for First Nations communities
  4. Exempt user-generated content from online censorship
  5. Exempt grain drying costs from federal carbon tax
  6. Remove Canada Revenue Agency reporting requirement on the sale of homes
  7. End automatic MP pay hikes
  8. Repeal the escalator tax on alcohol
  9. End the gas tax-on-tax
  10. Require consultation on equalization referendum
  11. Implement federal recall and initiative
  12. No pension for convicted MPs and senators

“Whether through a private members’ bill or pushing the government to act, these are 12 ways all MPs can improve transparency, provide tax relief and reduce government waste,” said Terrazzano. 

You can find the CTF’s Taxpayer Wishlist here.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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