Stock up before GST holiday ends: Taxpayers Federation

Author: Carson Binda 2025/02/14

Vancouver, B.C.: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is reminding Canadians to stock up on books, beer and baby clothes before the federal government’s GST/HST holiday ends on Feb. 15. 


“Even though this temporary tax holiday was a political gimmick, folks should still stock up now to save on the GST,” said Carson Binda, CTF B.C. Director. “Ottawa needs to do more than temporary sales tax holidays, which means politicians must find real savings so taxes can go down permanently.


“But in the meantime, people should take advantage of the tax break before it goes back up.”


The federal government temporarily suspended its sales taxes on a range of goods between Dec. 14, 2024, and Feb. 15, 2025. The temporary tax cut applied to food, alcohol beverages, restaurant meals, children’s clothing, car seats, diapers, toys, Christmas trees and books. 


“The government shouldn’t be taxing your baby’s diapers or picture-books,” Binda said. “And restaurants across Canada need long-term tax relief instead of a GST holiday gimmick.” 


Nearly two thirds of Canadian restaurants, or 62 per cent, are operating at a loss or barely breaking even, according to data from Restaurants Canada


The reimposed GST will add five per cent to the cost of restaurant meals in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Territories and Quebec. The HST will add 13 per cent in Ontario and 15 per cent in the Atlantic provinces.    


The end of the GST holiday would drive up the cost of a case of beer by an average of $4.40 across Canada. Provinces with a harmonized sales tax will see the biggest increases, with a case of beer increasing in cost by $8.04 in Nova Scotia once the sales tax holiday ends.   


“Taxpayers and job creators need tax relief from Ottawa,” Binda said. “The government needs to go line-by-line through the federal budget to find real savings for taxpayers.” 




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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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