Site C decision: proceed with caution

Author: 2017/12/28

Monday, December 11, 2017


Taxpayers need something to show for massive investment

VANCOUVER, BC: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) greeted the news of the green light given to the Site C hydroelectric dam mega project with cautious optimism.

"Taking a four billion-dollar bath with nothing to show for it would have been fiscally irresponsible," said Kris Sims, BC Director of the CTF. "BC taxpayers have already invested a staggering amount of money into this project, and we need to have something to show for it."

The taxpayer advocacy group stresses the need for strict money management as the construction continues.

"This big build needs to be completed as quickly and as frugally as possible, it cannot become an unending 'make work' project for union bosses, special interest groups and lobbyists," Sims said. "If this is about providing sustainable and affordable electricity for British Columbians in the decades to come, then, we need to stick to that plan and complete this thing on time and on budget."

The CTF supports the BC government's choice to stay with the steady and sustainable supply of affordable electricity in BC.

"It's a wise move to stay with affordable hydro power in BC and not to enter into experiments with 'green energy' at exponentially inflated costs, as has happened in Ontario," Sims added. "Ratepayers in Ontario are being overcharged billions of dollars for electricity because of shockingly expensive agreements for solar and wind power. Many families are using food banks because they cannot afford their electricity bills and businesses are fleeing that once prosperous province."



For more information, contact:

Kris Sims, CTF BC Director                       Cell: 604-997-1798

Email: [email protected]                     Twitter: @kris_sims


The CTF is Canada's leading non-partisan citizens' advocacy group fighting for lower taxes, less waste and accountable government. Founded in 1990, the CTF has more than 130,000 supporters and seven offices across Canada. The CTF is funded by free-will, non tax-receiptable contributions.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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