Scrap the green corporate slush fund

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2024/06/04

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the federal government to scrap the Sustainable Development Technology Canada slush fund and halt all program funding following today’s scathing Auditor General Report.

“Tens of millions of taxpayers’ money was improperly spent and taxpayers demand accountability, but so far the government has not gone nearly far enough,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “This slush fund must go.”

The Auditor General found major failings in the SDTC’s handling of taxpayers’ money, including awarding $76 million to companies where conflict of interest rules weren’t followed.

The SDTC awarded $59 million to companies that did not meet eligibility requirements, according to the report. 

“We found that Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada did not sufficiently assess and monitor Sustainable Development Technology Canada’s processes to award funding,” according to the Auditor General. “We also found that the department did not monitor conflicts of interest at the foundation.”

Following the Auditor General’s report, Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne announced that SDTC funding will continue, with the foundation to be transitioned under the control of the National Research Council “over the coming months.”

“Time and time again we see this government blow tens of millions of tax dollars without proper guardrails,” Terrazzano said. “Rolling this program under a different arm of the government is not a solution, because taxpayers can’t trust this government to protect the public purse.

“It’s time to turn off the taps.” 

The SDTC approved $856 million in funding between March 2017 through December 2023. 

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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