Recall legislation a big win for government accountability in Alberta

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2021/03/15

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation applauded the Alberta government for introducing recall legislation today.

“Recall legislation is a big win for government accountability in Alberta,” said Franco Terrazzano, the CTF’s Alberta Director. “The people are supposed to be the boss and today’s recall bill reaffirms that role by giving us the ability to fire misbehaving politicians outside of elections.”

Recall legislation allows voters to fire an MLA or local politician if they collect enough signatures and hold a successful recall vote.

The CTF has long advocated for recall legislation and made recommendations to the Alberta government’s democratic accountability committee last fall. Leading up to 2019 provincial election, the CTF called on all parties to commit to recall legislation and extend it to the local level.

“Premier Jason Kenney deserves a lot of credit for living up to his campaign promise and making Alberta the second province that gives voters the ability to hold politicians accountable more than once every four years,” said Terrazzano. “Taxpayers are the boss and we always deserve the ability to hold our politicians, including councillors and mayors, accountable and Kenney’s recall bill gives us that ability.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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