Premier Eby right to oppose carbon tax

Author: Carson Binda 2024/09/12

VANCOUVER, B.C.: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Premier David Eby to cancel the B.C. carbon tax now.


“British Columbians are struggling so Eby should cancel the B.C. carbon tax now,” said Carson Binda, British Columbia Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to ignore British Columbians and ram a federal carbon tax down our throats, we are ready to fight that fight.” 


Today, Eby announced that B.C. will scrap the provincial carbon tax if a future federal government removed the national requirement for one. 


Currently, the B.C. carbon tax costs 17.6 cents per litre of gasoline or about $13 to fill up a family minivan. The B.C. carbon tax also costs 21 cents per litre of diesel, so truckers pay about $200 extra to fill the tanks


The average B.C. household will pay around $330 extra in the carbon tax on natural gas this winter. 


“The carbon tax is a tax on everything that arrives in a truck so it makes virtually everything in the grocery store more expensive,” said Binda. “British Columbians want to see the carbon tax gone today and we can’t afford to wait for a change in the federal government.” 


The carbon tax is unpopular in B.C., with 73 per cent of British Columbians supportive of Eby fighting the federal government on the carbon tax, according to polling conducted this spring by Leger. 


“British Columbians want Eby to scrap the carbon tax now,” Binda said. “Heating your home or driving to your doctor’s office or the grocery store isn’t a luxury that should be punished with a tax.” 




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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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