Notley should tell federal NDP to vote to take carbon taxes off home heating

Author: Kris Sims 2023/11/01


  • Notley agrees with Premier Smith to stop carbon tax on home heating
  • NDP in Alberta should tell their federal party members to speak up now


LETHBRIDGE, AB: The Canadian Taxpayer Federation is calling on Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley to urge her federal counterparts to vote in favour of cancelling the carbon tax on all home heating fuels.

“Notley needs to pick up the orange phone and call her federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and tell him to vote in favour of suspending the carbon tax on all home heating fuels,” said Kris Sims, CTF Alberta Director. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax on home heating will cost Albertans more than $300 this winter and they deserve to get the same relief that folks in Atlantic Canada are getting.”

motion to give all forms of heating fuel the same carbon tax break will be voted on in the House of Commons in Ottawa on Monday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is suspending his carbon tax on furnace oil for the next three years.

About three per cent of Canadian homes use furnace oil to heat their homes, with almost all of them located in Atlantic Canada.

Most Albertans use natural gas to heat their homes and Trudeau is refusing to give them the same carbon tax relief as those who heat with furnace oil.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has called for the federal carbon tax to be scrapped entirely. At the very least, she’s calling on Ottawa to remove the carbon tax for all forms of heating fuel.

Alberta NDP leader Notley has said Trudeau’s suspension should apply to all home heating fuels.

“Over the next three years, Albertans will pay about $1,100 extra for their home heating thanks to the carbon tax, and it’s outrageously unfair for Trudeau to ignore them,” said Sims. “The NDP holds the balance of power in Ottawa and Notley needs to convince her federal leader stand up to the PM and demand equal relief for Albertans this winter.”



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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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