News Release: Taxpayers call on Eby to cut polling spending

Author: Carson Binda 2024/09/16

VANCOUVER, B.C.: The Canadians Taxpayers Federation is releasing documents showing the B.C. Government spent nearly half-a-million dollars on secret polling between June 2023 and May 2024.


“Why is Premier David Eby blowing half-a-million dollars a year on polling and why won't his office share the results with the taxpayers footing the bill?” said Carson Binda, CTF B.C. Director. “The government of British Columbia needs to come clean and explain why he’s spending so much on secret polling.” 


The CTF filed an access-to-information request seeking copies of all documents showing expenditures by the premier’s office on polling and public opinion research. 


The Government Communications and Public Engagement division responded with documents showing $453,000 spent on polling between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024. 


The access to information request specifically asked for polling done for the premier’s office. However, a spokesperson for the premier’s office said the government communications and public engagement division leads public opinion polling, which it either pays for from its own budget or a partner ministry’s budget, such as the premier’s office.


The premier’s office also confirmed the polling results are not publicly released. 


“It doesn’t matter which department the bills are funneled through, the same person is always paying at the end of the shell game: the taxpayer,” Binda said. “If taxpayers are footing the bill, then they have every right to see the polling results and get a clear explanation about why this is costing so much money.”


The largest contract totaled $131,000 for an “omnibus survey,” followed by $108,000 for “multi-language research.” 


“While many British Columbian families are struggling to make ends meet, the provincial government is blowing big money on secret polling,” Binda said. “The money the province spent on secret polls is equivalent to the total provincial taxes paid by 55 British Columbians.” 




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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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