NDP right to commit to no tax hikes

Author: Gage Haubrich 2024/08/29

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is applauding the Saskatchewan NDP leader Carla Beck for committing to not raise taxes and calling on all provincial politicians to promise more tax relief.

“The last thing that Saskatchewan taxpayers need is to pay more taxes,” said Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director. “Beck is right to recognize that Saskatchewanians are overtaxed and can’t afford any tax hikes.”

Beck promised not to increase income taxes, small business taxes, provincial sales tax or corporate taxes if elected.

People in Saskatchewan are the most likely to report that they are struggling financially, compared to the rest of the country.

A Saskatchewan family with a household income of $75,000 has a provincial tax bill that’s $1,342 higher than a similar family in Calgary and $1,461 higher than a family in Vancouver, according to the Saskatchewan budget.

The Saskatchewan NDP is also promising to cut the provincial 15-cent-per-litre fuel tax.

The provincial governments of ManitobaOntario and Newfoundland and Labrador have all recently cut gas taxes to save drivers money.

“Premier Scott Moe needs to step up and promise taxpayers that he won’t raise taxes,” said Haubrich. “Promising not to raise taxes is just the first step.

“What taxpayers really need is a promise to deliver tax relief and make life more affordable in Saskatchewan.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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