Government must say no to hotel taxes

Author: Gage Haubrich 2024/12/10

SASKATOON, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the government of Saskatchewan to categorically reject proposals for municipalities to impose hotel taxes.

“The Saskatchewan government should not let big city mayors raise new taxes – full stop,” said Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director. “A hotel tax would give big city mayors the greenlight to punish rural Saskatchewanians for bringing their business to the city for anything from conventions to concerts.

“Instead of letting big city mayors hike taxes, the Saskatchewan government should be telling them to stop wasting taxpayers’ money.”

The Saskatchewan government has a survey on its website that asks taxpayers whether they are in favour of allowing municipalities to impose an “accommodation” or hotel tax.

The survey asks about the hotel tax, but also about taxing other options such as bed and breakfasts and campgrounds.

Cities such as Regina and Saskatoon have already been raising taxes despite driving headlines for wasting taxpayers’ money.

The city of Saskatoon recently spent $300,000 to brand its new Rapid Bus Transit System. Last year, the city spent almost $100,000 to put decorative lights over some dumpsters in a back alley behind a bar to increase tourism.

The city of Regina wasted about $30,000 on its failed “Experience Regina” rebrand that was cancelled after unveiling slogans deemed inappropriate, such as “the city the rhymes with fun” and “show us your Regina.”

The city of Saskatoon is hiking property taxes by 4.96 per cent this year. The city of Regina increased property taxes by 2.85 per cent last year.

“Does the Saskatchewan government really think big city mayors aren’t taxing people enough already?” said Haubrich. “Government Relations Minister Eric Schmalz should give the mayors a hard no on a new hotel tax and tell them to stop wasting taxpayers’ money.”

The government’s survey can be found here.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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