Four taxpayer-friendly New Year’s resolutions for the Ontario government

Author: Jasmine Moulton 2020/12/30

Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2020

Toronto, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the government of Ontario to deliver on four taxpayer-friendly New Year’s resolutions in 2021.

“Ontario taxpayers are struggling to pay the bills amidst the current economic downturn, and taxes are the single largest bill faced by the average household,” said Jasmine Moulton, Ontario Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “Taxpayers need relief, so we’ve compiled a list of taxpayer-friendly New Year’s resolutions we hope the Ontario government will commit to in 2021.”

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the government of Ontario to commit to the following resolutions in the new year:

  1. Reduce gas taxes

Premier Doug Ford promised to reduce gas prices by 10 cents per litre by eliminating the former government’s cap-and-trade program, and by reducing the provincial excise tax on gas. His government made good on the first promise, but the federal government imposed its carbon tax. Ford can help Ontarians by following through on the second part of his promise: to reduce the provincial excise tax by 5.7 cents.

  1. End corporate welfare

The Ford government promised to end wasteful corporate welfare in its election platform, but kept giving taxpayers’ money to large corporations such as Maple Leaf Foods and the Ford Motor Company. In both cases, the companies laid people off. Ford’s government should make good on its promise to end corporate welfare in Ontario.

  1. Reduce the size and cost of government

Lockdowns affected millions of jobs in Ontario, and nine out of 10 of those jobs were outside of government. Meanwhile, more than one million government employees qualified for raises in 2020 that could cost taxpayers $720 million. The provincial deficit is $39 billion. Ford must reduce the size and cost of government.

  1. Create a plan to balance the budget

Ontario’s budget forecasts double-digit deficits for years, but contains no plan to return the budget to balance. While it’s reasonable to spend more on health care during a pandemic, the government must find savings in other areas to lower the debt burden for the next generation.


Jasmine Moulton

Ontario Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation 

e. [email protected]

p. 416-573-5458

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