Chender must take clear stand on carbon tax

Author: Devin Drover 2024/09/20

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Nova Scotia New Democratic Party Leader Claudia Chender to join other leaders in her party by opposing carbon taxes.

“NDP leaders across the country are now backing away from the carbon tax,” said Devin Drover, CTF Atlantic Director. “Chender must make clear where she stands by telling taxpayers if she will join the growing fight against the carbon tax.”

Chender has yet to say whether she opposes the federal carbon tax or if she would oppose a provincial carbon tax if the federal tax was eliminated.

Last week, B.C. NDP Premier David Eby announced he would scrap the provincial carbon tax if the federal tax was cancelled. Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh also signaled his party would oppose the Trudeau government’s carbon tax.

Saskatchewan’s NDP also  opposes the federal carbon tax.

The carbon tax will cost Nova Scotia’s economy $103 million this year.

“The carbon tax costs Nova Scotians everywhere from the gas station to the grocery store,” Drover said. “The carbon tax is a huge drag on the provincial economy we can’t afford.”


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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