Canadian Taxpayers Federation Reacts to Corporate Welfare for Ford Motor Company

Author: Aaron Wudrick 2020/10/08

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation Federal Director Aaron Wudrick released the following statement in response to today’s joint Federal-Ontario announcement regarding Ford Motor Company:

“Once again, the federal and Ontario governments are wasting taxpayers’ money by funnelling a fat subsidy to a big corporation.

“Politicians insist that subsidizing electric vehicles is an ‘investment.’ They said the same thing about aerospace before Bombardier shed thousands of jobs. They said the same thing about General Motors before it shuttered its Oshawa plant. What will their excuse be when several years from now, Ford comes back for even more subsidies? 

“If electric vehicles are truly an investment, then Ford should be more than happy to fund 100 per cent of its own projects, rather than pilfering from taxpayers. If Ford wants to make money, it should sell cars people want to buy at a price they can afford instead of pressuring governments into giving the company freebies.

“The federal and Ontario governments are both running massive deficits and saddling future generations with billions in debt. This is not the time to double down on the disastrous strategy of picking corporate winners and losers.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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