B.C. emissions going up with highest carbon taxes in Canada

Author: Kris Sims 2021/05/10


  • Federal data shows B.C. emissions up 11 per cent in four years.
  • B.C. carbon tax costing taxpayers more than $1.9 billion this year.


VANCOUVER, B.C.: Emissions in British Columbia keep going up even though the province has the highest carbon taxes in Canada.

“Year after year, British Columbians are getting burned by carbon taxes while provincial emissions keep going up,” said Kris Sims, B.C. Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “When B.C. politicians hatched the carbon tax in 2008, they told us it would stop at $30 per tonne, be revenue neutral and reduce emissions, but today, none of that is true.”

The provincial government is taking in more than $1.9 billion in the B.C. carbon tax this year.

The Trudeau government posted emissions data onto the United Nations website, including charts showing emissions in every province.

Emissions in B.C. have gone up from 59.2 megatonnes in 2015 to 65.7 megatonnes in 2019, an increase of 11 per cent in four years.

Emissions from road transportation have increased 13 per cent from 2015 to 2019.

“Carbon taxes in B.C. cost us about 24 cents per litre, that’s about $18 extra to fill up a family minivan, yet emissions are still going up,” said Sims. “Carbon taxes are an expensive cash grab and Premier Horgan should scrap them.”


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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