Albertans should be able to recall MLA Pat Rehn

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2021/01/14

CALGARY, AB: CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Premier Jason Kenney to immediately bring forward recall legislation so voters have the ability to recall MLA Pat Rehn.

“Kenney kicked Rehn out of caucus, but it should be up to his constituents whether he stays in the legislature or gets sent packing,” said Franco Terrazzano, the CTF’s Alberta Director. “The premier has done all he can and now it should be up to the people to decide whether Rehn should continue to collect his six-figure MLA paycheque.”

Kenney announced that he has removed Rehn from the United Conservative Party caucus. Rehn will now sit in the legislature as an independent MLA. The annual MLA salary is $120,936. MLAs also receive $16,548 through a retirement investment payment along with other expenses and benefits.

Slave Lake town council previously published an open letter calling for Rehn to resign as the region’s MLA.

Kenney promised recall legislation when he was campaigning in 2019. The province’s Democratic Accountability Committee recommended a 40 per cent signature threshold to trigger a recall by-election. The CTF has recommended the province set the threshold at 25 per cent of votes cast in the last election.

“Local politicians and constituents shouldn’t have to resort to backroom political brokering or rely on media coverage to hold their MLA accountable,” said Terrazzano. “That’s why we need recall legislation that works for Albertans and let’s us hold politicians accountable.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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