University students need to relax, it's just a hat

Author: Paige MacPherson 2016/09/23

This was originally published in the National Post on September 21, 2016.

It’s just a hat. But on Canadian university campuses, a hat is more than enough to offend the delicate sensibilities of students and university busybodies.

In a recent video that has now made international news, a female student at Mount Royal University in Calgary is seen demanding that a male student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat — a trademark of Donald Trump’s campaign for president — take it off.

“You’re not allowed to share hate language in a university,” she said. “It’s hate language on campus. You can deal with me, or you can deal with (Mount Royal University President) David Docherty.… I can’t wait for him to come to your door.”

To his credit, Docherty later reaffirmed the school’s commitment to freedom of expression, but the incident just serves to highlight how ridiculous the initial confrontation was. What we have here is an adult who saw another adult wearing a hat associated with a politician with whom she disagrees, and her immediate reaction was to more or less say, “I’m telling on you.”

Unfortunately, this behaviour is a byproduct of the modern university environment. It’s an environment where “safe spaces” coddle students — like one at Brown University in the U.S. last year, where student volunteers setup a room equipped with cookies, colouring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies for those who may have been “triggered” by the ideas that were presented to them during a speaking event at their school.

Taxpayers should be annoyed. Nearly $17 billion of public money go to universities and colleges across the country each year, mostly from provincial governments. There’s a reason taxpayers heavily subsidize university degrees in Canada: they’ve been determined to be valuable to society. A big part of that value is the education itself — exposing students to new ideas and teaching them life skills produces a better, more productive workforce. Yet the current trend of students trying to shield themselves from opinions and ideas they don’t like doesn’t make it look like taxpayers are getting much in the way of a return on investment.

Given that one of the major criticisms of Trump is that he’s too authoritarian, it is ironic that the female student in this case demanded the removal of an article of clothing in the most authoritarian of fashions. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon that such university busybodies meddle in student affairs and hamstring freedom of expression on taxpayer-funded campuses.

At the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), we raise important issues that some people find controversial. We’re never censored. In a free society, that would be unheard of. Unless, of course, you’re on campus.

Generation Screwed, the student outreach arm of the CTF, has 27 campus clubs across Canada, which raise awareness of the debt that governments are racking up. Like the phrase, “Make American Great Again,” government debt seems innocuous. Yet, Generation Screwed clubs across Canada have faced pushback from university busybodies.

This month, Generation Screwed was touring the CTF Debt Clock — which shows the federal government’s debt and the per capita share of the total counting in real time — on campuses across eastern Canada. The club was booted off the Laval University campus for “unsanctioned activism.”

“Unsanctioned activism” sounds like an oxymoron. Before Laval students share their ideas on campus, they must receive a permit from the administration. This doesn’t sound like the environment that free speech protesters in California in the 1960s were pushing for when they were banging their drums for civil liberties.

At the University of Guelph, before Generation Screwed club members could host a speaking event, they (like all other groups) were forced to take student union-mandated anti-oppression training. The Generation Screwed club at the university was also warned that it might have to consider changing its name to ensure it’s “welcoming” enough under the student union’s “anti-oppressive framework.” It’s one thing to make sure students renting rooms know where the fire exits are; it’s another to enforce groupthink.

Most people can honestly say that they entered university or college with some views that they’ve since changed their minds about. University campuses are places where opinions should be expressed and challenged. If we can’t engage in the free exchange of ideas on taxpayer-funded university campuses, then where can we?

A humble prescription for university busybodies: relax. It’s just a hat, just a clock, just an idea. You are welcome to challenge it with your own.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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