The NDP must find its way on carbon taxes

Author: Todd MacKay 2017/02/14

When wandering in the wilderness, it’s important to identify concrete points of reference. The Saskatchewan NDP may be finally finding some bearings. But it seems utterly lost on the province’s preeminent political issue: carbon taxes.

In stark contrast, Premier Brad Wall is absolutely clear.

“I will NOT sign any agreement that includes a national carbon tax,” stated Premier Wall in December.

The government’s popular opposition to a carbon tax comes at a time when it’s struggling on other fronts. The NDP is scoring points by criticizing the Sask. Party’s ballooning billion-dollar operational deficit. It’s also scoring points by questioning the government’s inexplicable decision to use the Global Transportation Hub to pay millions more than appraised values for land. And yet, the NDP hasn’t defined its position on carbon taxes.

The Sask. Party is filling that void with a commercial quoting newly minted NDP candidate Ryan Meili.

“We also need to look at what’s been done in other places and consider a modest carbon tax,” said Dr. Meili. The commercial also quotes a CBC opinion piece that Dr. Meili co-authored with Courtney Howard and states: “We applaud the federal government’s recent announcement of a minimum price on carbon.”

The NDP could argue the musings of an unelected candidate does not a party policy make, but it has not made that argument. As a result, the confusion grows.

“We don’t want a climate change plan imposed on Saskatchewan people by Ottawa, but the Sask. Party’s solution of doing nothing but complain is putting Saskatchewan people at risk of having that happen,” said NDP Leader Trent Wotherspoon. “Other provinces are working constructively to find solutions that work best for their provinces.”

Mr. Wotherspoon opposes a plan imposed by Ottawa, but Dr. Meili applauds that very same plan – that’s a direct contradiction.

Both quotes also invite speculation. Dr. Meili advocates considering a carbon tax like those in other places. Mr. Wotherspoon also holds up the example of other provinces. It’s not much of a logical leap to assume they’re referring to the carbon tax NDP Premier Rachel Notley is imposing in Alberta.

All of which leaves Saskatchewan taxpayers wondering whether the NDP wants to impose a carbon tax in this province.

Consider the alternative.

What would happen if the NDP whole-heartedly threw itself into the fight against a carbon tax? It would certainly narrow the provincial political debate to issues such as the deficit. Of course, it might also cause awkwardness at NDP national conventions, but, to its credit, the Saskatchewan NDP has taken that type of stand before. When stricter gun control laws were in vogue, the Saskatchewan NDP took a clear position.

“Certainly we have not been supportive of the [federal long gun] registry,” said NDP MLA Frank Quennel on May 16, 2006, in the Legislature.

As the NDP ponders its position, it’s important to recognize carbon taxes are not a simple left-versus-right issue.

During the recent US presidential election, Washington State held a referendum on a carbon tax. More than 56 per cent of Washington State voters supported Hillary Clinton in the general election. Nearly 73 per cent supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Yet, more than 58 per cent of Washington State voters rejected a carbon tax.

There are times when the Official Opposition must oppose. The NDP is right to criticize the government’s billion-dollar operational deficit. It’s right to raise questions about the GTH paying much too much for land.

But Saskatchewanians across the political spectrum are worried a carbon tax will make it harder for them to drive to work and heat their homes, but won’t actually the environment. If both sides of the Legislature unite in the fight against carbon taxes, it will send a strong message to Ottawa. The NDP must chart the correct course on carbon taxes to find its way out of the wilderness.

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