The Canadian Taxpayers Federation applauds Premier Moe for taking PST off insurance

Author: Todd MacKay 2018/02/26

REGINA, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is applauding new Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe for delivering a victory for taxpayers by taking the PST off agriculture, life and health insurance premiums.

“Taking the PST off many premiums will make it easier for people in Saskatchewan get the coverage they need to protect their families, businesses and farms,” said Todd MacKay, Prairie Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “Premier Scott Moe discussed this important issue with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation during the Saskatchewan Party leadership campaign. It’s outstanding to see Premier Moe follow through on his promise to take the PST off many insurance premiums as his first major accomplishment.”

Taking the PST off agriculture, life and health insurance premiums will save taxpayers $65 million this year and $120 million per year in the future, according to the Saskatchewan government. This move is retroactive and the province will refund PST payments already made.

The CTF believes more progress is needed to remove the PST on other insurance products such as home and vehicle insurance, but this is an important step forward.

“Premier Scott Moe just delivered more than $100 million in tax relief for Saskatchewan families, farmers and businesses,” said MacKay. “While other governments are taking more money from people through carbon taxes and new payroll taxes, Saskatchewan is working to lighten the burden on taxpayers.

“Best of all, Premier Moe is delivering tax relief while maintaining his commitment to balance the budget.”

The CTF has been campaigning since the 2017 budget for the Saskatchewan government to reverse its decision on adding PST to insurance products.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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