Taxpayers Federation Supports Saskatchewan’s Commitment to Trim Spending

Author: 2017/03/07

MOOSE JAW, SK: Salaries and benefits are the biggest expense for all governments and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) supports the Saskatchewan government’s decision to reduce the deficit by trimming compensation costs.

“A dip in pay is never fun, but it’s a reality that many families across the province have been dealing with during the past few years and bureaucrats can’t be immune to that reality,” said Todd MacKay, Prairie Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “We have to get the deficit under control and the only realistic way to do that is by controlling compensation costs.”

The Saskatchewan government has announced plans to reduce overall government compensation costs by 3.5%.

The Saskatchewan government is currently projecting an operational deficit of $1.2 billion. While Saskatchewan’s overall financial situation remains strong compared to many other provinces, it has received a credit rating downgrade. The province currently pays nearly $300 million annually to cover the interest payments on its existing debt.

“Trimming spending is hard, but procrastination won’t make it easier,” said MacKay. “We’ve ignored runaway deficits in the past and we’ve paid a heavy price. Now is the time to get back to balanced budgets and make sure our finances are healthy. It’s good to see the provincial government taking real action.”

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For more information, please contact:

Todd MacKay – CTF Prairie Director – 306-582-7717 – [email protected]

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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