Record high gas prices show need for gas tax reform

Author: Christine Van Geyn 2018/05/17

TORONTO, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling for gas tax reforms in Ontario in light of record high gas prices in the province, and calling on the candidates in the provincial election to bring forward policies to ease pain at the pumps.

“Gas prices are the highest they’ve been in four years, and the Wynne government has made these costs higher by bringing in the cap and trade carbon tax,” said CTF Ontario Director, Christine Van Geyn. “Ford is taking the issue of gas prices seriously by committing to eliminating cap and trade and reducing the provincial excise tax. It’s one of the most dramatic promises to make gas prices affordable we’ve seen in Canada. Wynne and Horwath should take notice and follow suite.”

At a press conference at a downtown Toronto gas station, Van Geyn presented a chart showing that at current prices, gas taxes represent 33 per cent of the price of filling up a vehicle. Eliminating the cap and trade carbon tax and tax-on-tax would shave about 8.2 cents per litre off the price of gas.

This is the CTF’s 20th annual Gas Tax Honesty Day, which included press conferences across the country, from Montreal to Vancouver. The CTF’s annual Gas Tax Honesty Day report shows that taxes make up most of the price difference at the pump from province to province, and even city to city. Montreal has the highest gas taxes with 55 cents per litre, followed closely by the rest of Quebec. Vancouver is ranked third, and Ontario is ranked sixth.

"If we got rid of all the gas taxes, carbon taxes, and tax-on-tax, today the price to fill up would be 89 cents per litre, instead of $1.33. Think about that when as you fill up your car before the long weekend,” Van Geyn concluded.

To read the 2018 Canadian Taxpayers Federation Gas Tax Honesty Day report, click HERE.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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