Poll: Albertans say “NO” to bailout for UofA

Author: Colin Craig 2018/06/04

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) released poll results today that show 65 per cent of Albertans oppose a government bailout for the University of Alberta if its donations continue to suffer due to its decision to give David Suzuki an honourary degree. (University of Alberta Credit: Jpluofa/Wikipedia)

“The university should take note that Albertans don’t support bailing it out if it proceeds with giving an honourary degree to anti-Alberta activist David Suzuki,” said CTF Alberta Director Colin Craig. “Suzuki is a guy that routinely attacks Alberta’s energy industry while flying all over the world and telling Canadians to watch their carbon footprint. He’s the last person the university should recognize.”

The CTF’s poll was conducted by Ipsos between May 22-28 among 800 Albertans (margin of error of ±3.5 per cent – click here for more details). Results from the poll included:

Question Result
“Before today, had you heard that the University of Alberta plans to award David Suzuki with an honourary doctorate degree (PHD) of Science this spring?” 62% – Yes
“University honorary degrees should only be given to Canadians who embody the best interests of the country” 65% – Agree 
“I will have a worsened impression of the University of Alberta if they follow through and award an honorary degree to David Suzuki” 41% – Agree
“Critics of the University of Alberta's decision are just too thin skinned” 40% – Agree 
“The University of Alberta has lost touch with its mission and who it serves” 41% – Agree 
“Governments should review the funding of Canadian public institutions who offer honorary degrees to controversial figures who do not align with the public mission and principles of the institution” 48% – Agree 
“Federal and Provincial Governments should not bail out public institutions who lose private donors due to their decisions to grant honorary degrees to controversial figures” 65% – Agree 

“The university seems to think only a handful of people are upset about its David Suzuki situation,” added Craig. “This poll shows that’s just not true. Over forty per cent of Alberta’s population will have a worsened view of the university if it proceeds with the award.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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