No New Carbon Tax in New Brunswick

Author: Kevin Lacey 2017/05/18
  • CTF Releases 19th annual Gas Tax Honesty Day Report
  • New Brunswick Motorists will pay an estimated $55.5 million just paying the taxes applied to other gas taxes.

HALIFAX, NS: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is warning New Brunswick motorist if the provincial government implements a new carbon tax, they also likely will be hit with HST being charged on the carbon tax. The CTF is renewing its call to reject the carbon tax and end the practice of applying the HST on top of the other taxes. This “tax-on-tax” was highlighted as part of the CTF’s 19th annual Gas Tax Honesty Day.

In New Brunswick, applying the HST to other gas taxes costs about 3.8 cents a litre or $2.45 on every 64 litre fill up currently. In 2017, New Brunswickers will pay $55.5 million just paying taxes on other taxes.

New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant promised a new carbon tax to be implemented in 2018. Every province that has implemented a carbon tax or cap and trade system has put a new tax on gasoline. The CTF opposes the carbon tax and the additional revenue from the tax on the carbon tax.  

“The carbon tax is bad enough but governments are making the problem worse by getting greedy and taking more from the tax on tax,” said Kevin Lacey Atlantic Director with the CTF.

The CTF’s 2017 Gas Tax Honesty Day report shows that taxes make up most of the price difference from province to province, and even city to city. Manitoba and Saskatchewan have the lowest gas prices because they have the lowest gas taxes while Vancouver and Newfoundland have the highest prices because they have amongst the highest gas taxes.

About 36 per cent of the price at the pumps in New Brunswick is made up of tax, or about $25.73 on a 64 litre fill up.

“Compounding high gas taxes with a sneaky tax-on-tax is not transparent nor fair," said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick, “The government must put an end to this rip-off and provide some long overdue relief at the pump.”

The 19th annual Gas Tax Honesty Day report including detailed calculations and breakdowns of gas taxes across the country can be found HERE.

The CTF has launched a campaign against the carbon tax in New Brunswick, you can find more information HERE

You can find a copy of the CTF's anti-carbon tax bumper sticker HERE

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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