Notley could cut spending without major service losses

Author: Colin Craig 2017/12/12

Until recently, the Notley government had suggested they had no choice but to triple the province’s debt and increase spending.

If they didn’t, the government claimed they would be forced to raise taxes, fire teachers and nurses, and make “reckless cuts to social services.”

The government did actually raise taxes – several times – but that aside, Albertans should know that there are plenty of ways Premier Rachel Notley could reduce spending without requiring layoffs or “reckless cuts” to the services you rely on.

For instance, note that the government’s own reports have indicated that 12 per cent of government employees are eligible to retire every two years. Thus, as people retire, the government could continue to rehire for essential positions and leave non-essential positions unfilled. This approach could easily save the government hundreds of millions of dollars without including health care and education in this process.

The government could also reduce its expenditures on employee pay and benefits – just like Ralph Klein did when his government had to restrain spending in the 1990s.

Considering thousands of private-sector employees received pay cuts and lost their jobs during the recent recession, a small pay reduction for government employees is only fair.

The Notley government claims they’ve “frozen” teacher pay and will be looking for other unions to also accept wage freezes. However, research by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation shows the government didn’t truly freeze salaries for all teachers. Upwards of 20,000 teachers will still receive a salary increase this year of over $3,000. The bill for this “freeze” over the next two years will likely be over $200 million.

Had the government merely reduced teacher pay by 10 per cent, the move could have saved half a billion dollars this year alone. Even with such a reduction Alberta teachers would still earn more than teachers in Vancouver (a city with a much higher cost of living).

The Alberta government could also reduce the millions it hands over to businesses each year in the form of grants. Not only do government grant programs seldom work, how is it fair for a small business owner to have to pay taxes only to watch the government hand some of those dollars over to a competitor?

The Notley government could also delay some of the capital projects it has in the works – putting priority projects to the front of the queue while delaying some of the “nice-to-have” options. For instance, this year the government will spend $2 million on revitalizing a library in Edmonton. Is that really a necessity or could it have waited a couple years?

Exploring creative partnerships with other provinces could also help the government reduce costs. Instead of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia each running mini-bureaucracies that regularly churn out curriculum documents each year, what if they tried creating a single entity to serve the four provinces?

On a more local level, the Alberta government spends over $50 million each year on support to municipalities for public libraries. One way to save taxpayers money in this area would be to explore merging municipal and school libraries. That way, there would be one building to maintain instead of two, one set of resources to keep up-to-date, one electricity bill, one set of staff, et cetera.

One need only look at the Britannia Library in downtown Vancouver to see how a single library could service both students and the general public. The Britannia Library has been doing just that for over 40 years.

Clearly, there are plenty of ways the government could address its budget situation without making “reckless cuts” to services you rely on. It’s time to see the government spend more time implementing spending restraint and less time spreading rhetoric.

Colin Craig is the interim Alberta director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation
This column was published by the Edmonton Journal on December 12, 2017


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