CTF Calls For Posting Scanned Expense Receipts and Tightened Relocation Reimbursement Guidelines

Author: Aaron Wudrick 2016/10/27
  • Scanned expense receipts for ministers, MPs, senators and political staff should be posted proactively online    
  • Tighter guidelines should be implemented for staff relocation expenses 

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today released an open letter to Treasury Board President Scott Brison calling for the proactive disclosure of scanned expense receipts for Ministers, Members of Parliament, Senators and political staff, as well as tighter guidelines for staff relocation expenses.

"From Jane Philpott’s car service to Gerry Butts’ relocation expenses, the last few months have not reflected well on the Trudeau government’s commitment to prudent use of tax dollars," said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. "And while apologies and repayment are welcome, they are not sufficient. Concrete measures must be put in place to prevent these types of inappropriate expenses from happening again in the future.”

The CTF proposes that the federal government adopt a proactive, scanned-expense receipt disclosure system similar to ones in place in the City of Toronto and the Government of Alberta.

“We don’t need to reinvent the wheel,” noted Wudrick. “This system of proactive disclosure is working well in other jurisdictions, and creates a strong built-in incentive to be prudent with tax dollars.”

The CTF also proposes limiting relocation reimbursement for political staff to only family transportation, the shipment of furniture and household effects, and up to two months rent or mortgage interest payments. 

“While some level of reimbursement is reasonable, taxpayers cannot be expected to cover every expense associated with moving to Ottawa,” said Wudrick.

To view the CTF’s open letter to Treasury Board President Scott Brison, please click HERE.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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