CTF Appeal to Canadians: Won't You Please Help a Needy Corporation?

Author: Aaron Wudrick 2015/12/14
  • Taxpayers Federation staff take to the street in Toronto and Ottawa to seek donations for corporate welfare regular Bombardier

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today appealed directly to Canadians this holiday season to donate to help one of our countries’ neediest corporations, Bombardier Inc.   

“Canadians have been giving generously to help struggling people, from homeless in their own communities to newly-arrived refugees,” said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “Sadly, it seems no one is focusing on our neediest corporations. Bombardier has come cap in hand to Ottawa begging for $1.3 billion in taxpayer cash. So we decided we’d take the request off the hands of the government and see just how willing generous Canadians were to help this needy corporation out.”

Dressed as Santa Clause, Wudrick spent time in both Dundas Square and the financial district in Toronto last week soliciting donations for Bombardier. He also fundraised for Bombardier in downtown Ottawa today.

“In Toronto, we only managed to raise about $2.75. Indeed, at one point while on a corner in the financial district, several passers-by laughed when they saw my “Save Bombardier” sign,” said Wudrick. “It’s almost as if they thought asking for free money to help a giant aerospace company was some kind of joke.”

Wudrick pledged to continue the campaign throughout the holiday season, saying that it was simply too important to give up hope.

“This is a company that has already had to beg for more than $1.3 billion from the Quebec government, and is asking for a similar amount from Ottawa,” said Wudrick. “No corporate executive should have to suffer the indignity and embarrassment of begging politicians for taxpayer dollars, especially at Christmas. I am sure Canadians will give generously to such an important cause, and we’ll be happy to send them along whatever we collect, whether it be $1.3 billion, or, as of our last count, $4.65.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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