Canadian Taxpayers Federation reacts to federal Fall Economic Statement

Author: Aaron Wudrick 2017/10/24

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Federal Director Aaron Wudrick released the following statement in response to today’s federal Fall Economic Statement:

“The Trudeau government has missed yet another opportunity to address the super-deficit they are running, by refusing to lay out a plan to return to a balanced budget in 2019 as explicitly promised in their election platform.

The government notes that the Canadian economy is strong, but the obvious question is: if they can’t even balance the budget in these good times, when will they ever be able to?

There are a few small measures in this update that will help mitigate some of the competitiveness issues caused by tax cuts south of the border, but the big picture remains unchanged.

For governments, spending is easy and restraint is hard. This government needs to grow a spine and start making tough choices rather than saddling our children and grandchildren with billions in new debt.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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