Canadian Taxpayers Federation delivers thousands of carbon tax petition signatures to the Saskatchewan government

Author: Todd MacKay 2017/06/20

SASKATOON, SK: Support for Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall’s opposition to a carbon tax is growing as the Canadian Taxpayers Federation delivered 7,402 petition signatures from people standing with the premier. Environment Minister Scott Moe accepted the petition in Saskatoon today.

“If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is wondering why Premier Wall opposes a carbon tax, here’s reason number one: Saskatchewanians don’t want a carbon tax,” said Todd MacKay, Prairie Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “Prime Minister Trudeau needs to listen to the people of Saskatchewan and back down from his threats to impose a carbon tax on the province.”

Premier Wall has stated he will not impose a carbon tax because it will harm the provincial economy and because carbon taxes have not been proven to help the environment in other jurisdictions.

Prime Minister Trudeau is threatening to force a federal carbon tax on any province that doesn’t impose its own carbon tax, including Saskatchewan. Ottawa recently went further by threatening to withhold federal funding for environmental programs if Saskatchewan refuses to capitulate on the carbon tax issue.

The text of the petition is as follows:

To Premier Brad Wall:

Thank you for saying no to a carbon tax.

Saskatchewan and many other parts of the country are already facing serious economic challenges. A carbon tax is the last thing we need.

We the undersigned stand with you and we’re saying no to a carbon tax.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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