BC Investing in Asia - Again

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/09/02

The BC Government has announced another Asian bond issue – this time in India – and reinvested all the money generated into an Indian housing corporation. This has people like us scratching our heads. From my Twitter feed this morning:

  • I'm no investment banking wizard, but the BC Gov's continuing dalliance in asian markets seems odd to me. #bcpoli
  • Do we want $97.5m taxpayer $ dependent on the solvency of an Indian corporation doing housing financing? #bcpoli
  • Why couldn't the Indian corp use its triple-A credit rating and just tap the financial marketplace itself for capital? #bcpoli
  • I think this is the 3rd (?) set of Asian bonds the BC Gov has issued - & immediately tied that capital up in Asian markets. Why? #bcpoli
  • Any investment experts out there scratching their heads at this? #bcpoli
  • "[BC finds] imaginative ways to invest in India to help it [build] needed infrastructure." Er, why? #bcpoli

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
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