BC: TransLink Polling on More Taxes?

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/05/04

TransLink taxes are a lot like zombies on The Walking Dead: ya gotta kill it over and over and over again...

Someone - very likely TransLink or one of its Mayors Council, City of Vancouver, Metro Vancouver or TransLink-funded NGO allies - has three TransLink tax questions on this month's Angus Reid survey.

Question 1:

Note the TransLink expansion plan has ballooned 1/3 from $7.5B last year. This shows they misled public on cost during the 2015 plebiscite campaign. We knew that - they insisted on using 2011 construction estimates to make the public feel like the plan was more affordable.

Also, note how this poll is looking for skewed result: should use uniform "taxpayers" or "government" in answers. It will shock no one when the results come back with a result showing Metro Van "residents" should pay less than big "government."

Question 2:

These tax increases wouldn't come close to covering the regional share of a $10 billion plan. And no suggestion of TransLink/municipal efficiency or reprioritization, or allocating growth money, as outlined in our Better Plan

And the final question:

A 0.1% PST hike would not fund $10B TransLink plan - and would require another plebiscite. Another lowball number from TransLink or its supporters?

Here's a poll that TransLink and its mayors should think about. Last year's plebsicite where 62% of Lower Mainlanders voted to say no to more TransLink taxes, and to push them to put their fiscal house in order.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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