BC: Health Care System Had 8 CEOs, 27 VPs

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/01/19

From the “Man, I Wish I Wrote This” file… Very interesting piece from Bill McQuarrie on the News Kamloops website on redundancy in the highest echelons of the BC health care system:

ANOTHER multi-million dollar question and as you might suspect, it involves your money.  Here’s the question:  What organization has eight CEO’s, 27 Vice-Presidents, 53 board directors and gets over $10 million of your provincial tax money each and every year?

The answer — our five Regional Health Authorities, including the Interior Health Authority and you can be forgiven if you are already asking, “didn’t he say eight CEO’s but only five health authorities?”  Good question but I have no idea why we need eight Chief Executive Officers to run five provincial health authorities.  Mind you I don’t know why we need and pay for 53 directors and 27 vice presidents either.

This is $10 million that doesn’t go towards direct health services, care or equipment purchases. These millions of dollars simply cover salaries, honorariums, expense accounts and administrative support staff for these executives.

All at a time when our Medical Services Premium tax grows three times the rate of inflation, year after year after year after year…

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Franco Terrazzano
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