Ten Accountability Reforms Premier Rachel Notley Can Do Right, Right Away

Author: Paige MacPherson 2015/06/15

By: Paige MacPherson, CTF Alberta Director

This op-ed was published in the Edmonton Journal on Monday, June 15, 2015.

Alberta’s NDP government proposed many important accountability reforms in their election platform. The party’s sweeping majority was predicated on sweeping out the old government secrecy and ushering in a new era of transparency.

Based on both her platform and her commitment to transparency, here are ten things Premier Notley can do right, right away that would clean up government and make it more accountable to Albertans:

1)  Put boards, agencies and commissions on the sunshine list
This was an NDP platform commitment. Taxpayers deserve full disclosure of all the large salaries they pay.

2)  Introduce an ‘Infrastructure Sunshine List”
This NDP platform commitment is meant to discourage politicians from building projects purposefully in ridings where they could score votes. An “Infrastructure Sunshine List” would show taxpayers on which projects their infrastructure cash is being spent. 

3)  Switch the Alberta budget back to cash accounting
Through an accounting trick, the Alberta government can post budget surpluses while still borrowing a great deal of money. Their current ‘accrual accounting’ only shows part of the debt picture and hides government spending. Alberta previously used cash accounting (the way you’d manage your household budget). A shift back would dramatically improve budget clarity.

4)  Properly fund the Auditor General’s office
Prior to the election the PCs voted to claw back funding to the Auditor General (AG). Spending money on the AG’s office actually saves money over the long-term by rooting out waste. This should be a no-brainer. 

5)  Full financial audit of PC government books
NDP Infrastructure Minister Brian Mason acknowledged they’d found financial skeletons after peeking in the old PC government’s closet. But the premier hasn’t requested a full audit. In the 1990s, Saskatchewan's NDP won on opening up the past government's books, after which many spending scandals were revealed. Here, the NDP teased us with skeletons. Show us the books. 

6)  MLA Recall
Party leaders in Alberta have the power to kick MLAs out of their caucus, which Premier Notley took advantage of right out of the gate. Why not put that same power in the people’s hands. If they find their MLA grossly unfit for office, Albertans should have the ability to show their MLAs the door, more than once every four years.

7)  Reform the Freedom of Information Act
Alberta has one of the most archaic freedom of information laws in Canada, making it difficult for journalists, advocacy groups, researchers and any Albertan to access information about government activity. Reform is needed.

8)  Improve the Whistleblower Protection Act
When Alberta’s whistleblower protection law came into effect, the NDP (then on opposition side) said it did not go far enough. This is true. Alberta’s law should be amended to, at the very least, require that when wrongdoing occurs, the Integrity Commissioner should report the details publicly.

9)  Strengthen the Conflict of Interest Act
In their platform, the NDP promised to prevent MLAs from using their positions to benefit friends, and expand the Act to mean all senior staff of provincial boards, agencies and commissions are held to the same standard. It’s a common sense reform promise Premier Notley should keep.

10) Citizens’ Initiative Referenda
Citizens’ initiative referenda would allow Albertans to bring important issues to a public vote after receiving enough petition signatures. British Columbians voted in Citizens Initiative Referenda in 1991, the same year the province elected the NDP. They used a referendum to vote out the unpopular harmonized sales tax (HST) after the government introduced it. Notley should tip her hat to direct democracy and give Albertans a meaningful voice in policy decisions.

Premier Notley has the opportunity to show Albertans her government is serious about improving transparency and accountability. Open those legislature curtains and let the light shine in.

Paige MacPherson is Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

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