Taxpayers Federation: Victoria legislature problems need outside oversight

Author: 2018/11/22

VANCOUVER, BC: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is expressing deep concern over the situation at the B.C. Legislature in Victoria and is calling for out-of-province oversight.

“This is a troubling situation involving the highest non-partisan officials within our parliamentary democracy in this province and we need outside oversight to ensure full accountability,” said Kris Sims, B.C. Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “Recent developments concerning the Sergeant-at-Arms, the Clerk of the Legislature and the office of the Speaker raise many questions, and a professional from outside of the province should look at it immediately.”

The CTF is recommending that a former attorney general, court justice, retired sergeant-at-arms or similarly qualified official from another jurisdiction be asked to provide oversite of the situation to ensure accountability and clarity.


Kris Sims, BC Director

Mobile Phone:  604-997-1798

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @kris_sims

The CTF is Canada's leading non-partisan citizens' advocacy group fighting for lower taxes, less waste and accountable government. Founded in 1990, the CTF has more than 136,000 supporters and seven offices across Canada. The CTF is funded by free-will, non tax-receiptable contributions.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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