Taxpayers Federation applauds Olympics whistleblower

Author: Franco Terrazzano 2018/09/25

CALGARY, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is applauding a City of Calgary whistleblower who has leaked municipal documents that highlight the city’s concerns over additional costs not included in the Olympics price tag.

“All costs need to be laid clearly on the table. Calgarians have a right to know the total bill that will come with hosting the 2026 Olympics,” says Franco Terrazzano, Alberta Director with the CTF. “Whoever this mysterious whistleblower is, they deserve a gold medal.”

Calgary’s Bid Corporation has pegged the cost of the Olympics at $5.2 billion, with tax dollars needed to cover a $3 billion revenue shortfall. The cost to taxpayers has increased by 25 per cent since last year’s estimates.

The Olympics is no stranger to cost overruns. Since the 1960s, 19 Olympics have seen cost overruns, averaging 156 per cent during these games.

“City Hall should be making additional efforts to increase transparency, not tracking down someone who is providing taxpayers with information they deserve,” says Terrazzano. “We are calling on city council to release all costs associated with hosting the Olympics before Calgarians head to the polls.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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