Tax Dollars Snatched from the Jaws of Helping Kids

Author: Colin Craig 2014/04/25

Taxpayers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario will likely want to check out the Winnipeg Sun and CTV today.

The two news agencies are going to be covering a story the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has also been investigating - child care workers and employees of aboriginal education authorities going on trips to Las Vegas, Disneyland and Mexico.

The story landed on our plate several months ago when we received group photos of people at Disneyland and Las Vegas. We were told by a whistleblower that the photos were taken at conferences put on by an insurance company based in Winnipeg to help 'train' people. We were told the employees are from various government-funded agencies in multiple provinces.

In other words, instead of Manitoba agencies sending employees to Winnipeg to learn more about the product - or say everyone participating in a conference call or webinar - people headed to 'fun' locations south of the border.

Again, these trips were apparently paid for with tax dollars meant to help children in care.

Several questions remain about the trips (Which agencies? How long has this gone on? What's the total bill?)...but I won't get into those yet. We're continuing to dig into this story and await responses to our freedom of information requests. You can see one response we already received by - clicking here.


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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